Yin to My Yang – Daily Prompt

How do you define the term “soulmate,” and do you believe in the existence of such a person — for you?

Thanks for suggesting this prompt, milO1989!


once upon a time
Lady Lee and Him Indoors
met in a chem lab
action and reaction
they melted together
HRH the son
came after seven years
and they live happily in Bavaria

Him Indoors – he’s my driving force
that makes me wake up in the morning
and do whatever I have to do
he is the love of my life
my inspiration, my motivator
my reason to be here, doing whatever
my “happy place” where I’m secured
and cosy and cuddly and fun
the rest are extras

Him Indoors plays the piano well
I like to listen to him as he plays
Be it a Chopin or a Beethoven
He can make it sound very well
Like he’s always serenading me

He also has a green finger
A good gardener he is and he knows it
He plants seeds, mostly chillis and impatiens
Our garden full of dahlias, lavender, sweet peas
He doesn’t mind getting his fingers dirty and muddy

And as for me, I like typing my blog
I may not use all my fingers, just the two
But I can type fast and hope the words come
So I’m keeping my fingers crossed
That all’s well that ends well

For: Yin to My Yang

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