L is for Lune

A Lune is a sort of English-language haiku. While the haiku is a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable count, the lune is a three-line poem with a 5-3-5 syllable count. There’s also a variant based on word-count, instead of syllable count, where the poem still has three lines, but the first line has five words, the second line has three words, and the third line has five words again. Either kind will do, and you can write a one-lune poem, or write a poem consisting of multiple stanzas of lunes. Happy writing!


how do I love you?
in many ways
I dreamed what you dreamed

love is powerful and intense
beautiful and messy
it turns me inside out

when we breathe same air
when it’s magical
two hearts become one soul

(c) ladyleemanila 2016


For: two weeks into NaPoWriMo and Labour of Love

14 thoughts on “L is for Lune

  1. interesting to find out new things about poetry writing.
    Someone comes to my creative writing group- he writes poetry, and wants to improve- I have no idea how to help him as the rest of us are writers of stories- maybe I could introduce him to this

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