Give Me Freedom


I long to fly in the sky
To soar up the cliffs with the others
To say goodbye as I fly high
The wind brushing my feathers
Free me from the bondage of poverty
Rift the cage so I can get out to freedom
I beg of you, please set me free
To eat some crumbs and then some
Cart me out to a world where I’m welcome
Free me from hunger as seen from my papery wings
Somehow I can prove that I’m awesome
I want to experience the world and what it brings
I’m all flesh and bones, so please give me some bread
I’m baffled – why can’t I be just like any ordinary bird?
I’d like my wings to be able to spread
I can tweet but not bark or purred
The absence of responsibilities, worries and hardship
To be able to sustain a world full of innocence and fun
I miss the nature, the water to sip
I think I’ve won if I could feel the sun
Give me love and I can understand that in any language
I long to fly in the sky and soar up the cliffs
Don’t give me anything, I’m sure I can manage
Just set me free and I’m off in a jiff

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: It’s Tuesday, Another Challenge Day!

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