Come Fly with Me–dVerse Poetics- Feathers

Kew 9

The peacock’s
On the other side
Feasibly she’s waiting there
He wants to show his feathers
Radiant coloured spots


like a long-lived bird
phoenic creates excitement
rebirth of the sun

like a phoenix
arising from the ashes
symbols renewal

high virtue and grace
phoenix with crest of feathers
colourful and vibrant


Philippine eagle
brown and white with shaggy crest
fast and agile bird

fast and agile bird
gives loud and high pitched whistles
our national bird

our national bird
critically endangered

we should protect and conserve
before it’s too late


I long to fly in the sky
To soar up the cliffs with the others
To say goodbye as I fly high
The wind brushing my feathers
Free me from the bondage of poverty
Rift the cage so I can get out to freedom
I beg of you, please set me free
To eat some crumbs and then some
Cart me out to a world where I’m welcome
Free me from hunger as seen from my papery wings
Somehow I can prove that I’m awesome
I want to experience the world and what it brings
I’m all flesh and bones, so please give me some bread
I’m baffled – why can’t I be just like any ordinary bird?
I’d like my wings to be able to spread
I can tweet but not bark or purred
The absence of responsibilities, worries and hardship
To be able to sustain a world full of innocence and fun
I miss the nature, the water to sip
I think I’ve won if I could feel the sun
Give me love and I can understand that in any language
I long to fly in the sky and soar up the cliffs
Don’t give me anything, I’m sure I can manage
Just set me free and I’m off in a jiff

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: Come Fly with Me–dVerse Poetics by Victoria C. Slotto

28 thoughts on “Come Fly with Me–dVerse Poetics- Feathers

  1. One forgets the plethora of different breeds/kinds of eagles. We have several kinds in America, but they are different in Mexico. Your discourse on flight & ecology was delightful

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can tell you were inspired by the prompt and what an amazing array of bird wisdom and sensitivity for the caged bird. I do always feel sorry for the birds that cannot fly free. Wonderful write for the prompt, Lady Lee. 🙂
    Gayle ~

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