Midnight Waiting

midnight comes and what’s to happen
waiting for something to happen

we thought this was our haven
waiting for something to happen

promises not being delivered
waiting for something to happen

couldn’t explain, even if we try
waiting for something to happen

could we see the light?
waiting for something to happen*

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

* A Ghazal is a poem that is made up like an odd numbered chain of couplets, where each couplet is an independent poem. It should be natural to put a comma at the end of the first line. The Ghazal has a refrain of one to three words that repeat, and an inline rhyme that preceedes the refrain. Lines 1 and 2, then every second line, has this refrain and inline rhyme, and the last couplet should refer to the authors pen-name… The rhyming scheme is AA bA cA dA eA etc.

Written for November Notes hosted by two lovely and awesome writers, Rosema of A Reading Writer and Sarah of Heartstring Eulogies. Come, join the musical fun!😀


Also for: NaNoPoblano Day 15


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