Carpe Diem #749 rain

bending without wind
the green leaves accept
a sudden shower

rain showers
on the grassy field
dew and moonlight

welcoming the spots
on my new cotton dress
summer rain

© Jane Reichhold

after a hot day
lightning and thunder
midsummer rain

midsummer rain
finally the heat has gone
after a hot day

almost naked
dancing in the Solstice rain
ah! that coolness

ah! that coolness
raindrops on my naked body
hot Summer day

© Chèvrefeuille

raindrops on bamboo
shimmering in the sunlight
little diamonds

© Chèvrefeuille

clouds gather
after a warm summer day
the sound of rain

© Chèvrefeuille

munich 001

rain in the summer
multi-coloured rainbow’s out
promising some hope

promising some hope
for a bright and charming day
rain gives us blessing


colourful brollies
glimmering in the rain
worship going on

worship going on
climbing up the temple
offering their thanks

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