The Date

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Phylor. Thank you Phylor!

There was faint music in the background. They both said they like that love music and listened to it dreamily. They started talking about their days at work, their hobbies and their likes. Was it Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that: “conversation is an art in which a man has all mankind for competitors?” And they do converse for quite a long time. They found a lot of things in common. They laughed at their jokes, mused at some others and agreed or disagreed with the rest.

It was night time when they left the café. It was a cold evening. Faint stars were in the sky, silver leaves in the background. They agreed to meet next week for dinner. There was a new Italian restaurant in town, and they said they will try that one out. So the day went well and both parted in good spirit. Till they meet again.

For: FFfAW Challenge – Week of July 12, 2016 by Priceless Joy


Manfred’s Date


He was certain that this time there would be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Manfred was getting ready for his date that night. This was his fifth date from the online dating company. The first four dates were not successful as the women did not want a second date. This time, he was sure that “she” would be the one and this date would be a success.

He took a shower and put some after shave (a bit too much if you ask me) but didn’t bother putting a deodorant because he put one of this 48hr one yesterday. He made sure he used his extra strong anti-acne soap. He carefully chose his shirt (pinkish), blue vest and bowtie. From what he had read online, this one was already a winner. She was from the same town, fun-loving and working as a care giver.

He met Claudia in the restaurant. She came 15 minutes late but Manfred didn’t mind that. He was already in love with her from what he could see from his thick glasses. She has a lovely bob hair, wearing sleeveless top which showed her rose tattoo on her arm. They ordered their meal and conversation and wine kept coming. Manfred licked his plate clean at the end of the meal.

Soon it was time to pay the bill. Manfred took out his calculator and divided the amount according to what they had ordered. He wasn’t going to pay for that last bottle of wine because he hardly drank from it (that’s what he thought). Anyway, they’ve settled the bill.

Claudia said goodbye and Manfred never heard from her again. Manfred wondered why. There was nothing in him not to like, he convinced himself. So he went back to the agency for his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

For: #Maydays Prompt – Date Night!


Solitude – Trinet

The Trinet, created by zion, is a form with these specifications:

Line 1 – 2 words
Line 2 – 2 words
Line 3 – 6 words
Line 4 – 6 words
Line 5 – 2 words
Line 6 – 2 words
Line 7 – 2 words

Repeat this pattern 2 more times, if centered correctly it looks like three crosses.


quite alone
in solitude
savoured few hours of being free
peace and quiet, slab of loneliness
in desolation
love misery
so distant

uninhabited place
undisturbed area
the back of beyond, no-man’s land
in the middle of nowhere, desert
the boondocks
unspoilt area
rural area

I’m alone
by myself
I quite like to be free
freedom to do what I like
when ever
where ever
what ever

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: Solitude

Slip Sliding Away


destination, nearer, thorny, disappear, words, describe

on a good day
birds singing
forsythia blooming
kisses from Him Indoors
tortoises in the garden
eating dandelions
sweet words describing the day
destination is nearer
anxiety disappears
thorny tiff forgotten
ready to greet day
with all the cheers
peace at last!

on a bad day
wolves howling
flowers dying
Him Indoors left
spiders and snakes
giving me fright
thorny roses
can’t reach destination
no words can alter fate
hope disappears
nearer disaster
can’t describe

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: NaPoWriMo: Day 16 by Elizabeth and Day Seventeen


Just Jot It January 30th – An- #SoCS

Hello everyone! From an attic, I’m ready for an adventure, flying on an airplane and going to an island. Ready for an outing with the family with an apple and an orange on my bag. Playing an old instrument, wearing an engagement ring, listening to an orchestra. They will be playing an oldie, something that is an awesome way that brings back memories of the past. I’m also listening to Amy Winehouse, singing an Addicted, bless her soul. I also would like to go to an opera, with an aria and lovely singing. Is that an envy I detect? Don’t be, I’m sure you’ll have an adventure, too. Have an amazing week, everyone!

For: Just Jot It January 30th – An- #SoCS and The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Jan. 30/16

jjj-2016 socs-badge-2015


100-sculpture Congrats to the Blog Propellant for reaching 100 followers – cheers!


There was once a man who lived to be a hundred
He had an active life and tried to walk unaided
He had two wives
That gave him hives
He always had a blast even though he had aged


One hundred divided by two equals fifty
That’s all I have for my shopping spree
I know it’s not much
We can go Dutch
As long as we can go out, just you and me

Soughton HallWedding Photography By Ashton Photography

He promised to love her one hundred percent
To love and honour, that’s what he meant
So she said yes
She bought a dress
The next day off to the church they went


For: One Hundred by the Blog Propellant

Girl With A Psychedelic Frock

The girl with a psychedelic frock
She loves the sound of jazz and rock
People were fascinated, she’s so lovely
They’re happy, she’s such a beauty
Dancing with the beat of her heart
She’s so friendly, a real sweetheart
Velvety soft, hair so bouncy
Sweet as a candy and so carefree
Like being on a roof of an atelier
Such a wow and look at her footgear
Like being hit by a bolt of lightning
Spring in her steps, swing is her thing
Like bees visiting flowers for pollen
She’s so stunning, she’s having fun
She doesn’t need to vociferate
She’s so gorgeous, what a date

Photo Shoot
Photo Shoot


For: Music Friday Prompt #20: “Girl with the Crimson Hair” by the Imperial Swing Orchestra and Wordle #89 “December 14, 2015”