#MySundayPhoto, Sundays In My City and Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge

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For: #MySundayPhoto – Misty Morning, Legos in the Rain (Sundays In My City) and Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 2

Sundaylge-e1396359989177 SIMC cob-banner

Candle Holders, Fruits and Dinner

*three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog with the happy*

our new candle holders from Murnau – how elegant are they!

fruits and nuts to greet the New Year

our New Year’s Eve dinner

So, what made you smile this week? Any family members making you smile? What about Christmas loot? Seen any gorgeous flowers lately? Tell me about it! 

For: Three Things Thursday


Crumpled Paper


The crumpled paper and tinsel meant that all presents were given and opened, greetings and thanks were said, the waiting and the excitement really happened. They also meant that another Christmas has come and gone, that we all celebrated it in different ways, usually with our loved ones. Having said that, we should also think of others who celebrated it by themselves, or who cannot celebrate it for some reason or another. That we should be thankful for all our blessing, the good and the bad things that happened to us, and hopefully learning our lessons in life. Cheers everyone!

For: 100 WCGU – Week#178

Snow! Miniature Writing Challenge #22

fresh snow falling
our shadow on the snow
a bright day ahead

fresh snow falling
so pure and white all over
new hope has begun

our shadow on the snow
kissed under the mistletoe
Christmas together

a bright day ahead
some fresh woods in the fireplace
drinking warm mulled wine

(c) ladyleemanila 2015

For: Miniature Writing Challenge #22