It was an Accident

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Iain Kelly. Thank you Iain!

Marie and son John were on the way to school when a car overtook them. Marie’s car skidded and rolled down the cliff. Luckily, both of them were able to get out of the car before the car caught fire. The man who overtook them saw the smoke, felt guilty and called the ambulance. The paramedics arrived and assessed the situation. They rang the emergency helicopter so they could take Marie and John to the nearest hospital.

Meanwhile, Sam found the surprise birthday present from his Dad. It was a drone cyber flyer plane, the one he saw in the shop. His Dad remembered! How happy he was and immediately set it up and started flying it. Then he couldn’t control it anymore and hit the front of the emergency helicopter. The helicopter crashed and chaos ensued.

For: FFfAW Challenge – Week of August 30, 2016 by Priceless Joy


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