Poetics: Our garden through the years

garden full of life
of butterflies and bees
the scents of flowers

look at the garden
peace and tranquility
wonderful feeling

garden through the years
canvas of memories
brings us joy and hope


the English Garden
taking clothes off in summer
the feeling of freedom

All winter long the garden is cold and bare
With the coming of spring, everywhere is lovely
Trees unfold their leaves, flowers bloom with flair
Apples blossom, all white and pure with such beauty
And the smell of wonderful rain and freshly cut grass
Don’t forget the symphony of spring with birds singing
The spring peepers chirping call chorus with such class
The dandelions, lilacs, tulips, hyacinths, all blooming

For: Poetics: Johnny’s Garden by kim881.

Also for: Nurturing Thurs – Where We Are! by Becca Givens

Thursday photo prompt – Anomaly #writephoto


A faint rainbow up the sky
Sky from light blue to greyish blue

Blue I feel when you’re not with me
Me and you, I say with a plea

Plea that we will endure this isolation
Isolation from the rest of the world
World in this flat horizon, not one soul
Soul, heart and spirit, they are one

One tower, some houses by the cliff
Cliff high, I cover my head with a kerchief

Kerchief over my head tied under my chin
Chin moves when I see you and grin

Grin we will and make the most of it
It will only get better, let’s hope
Hope for a better and brighter future
Future beckons, now is the time to deliver

Deliver us from the nightmares of ennui
Ennui, perhaps not when I’m with thee

Thee or thou, hopefully love will last
Last longer and everything is a blast*

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

* Loop Poetry is a poetry form created by Hellon. There are no restrictions on the number of stanzas nor on the syllable count for each line. In each stanza, the last word of the first line becomes the first word of line two, last word of line 2 becomes the first word of line 3, last word of line 3 becomes the first word of line 4. This is followed for each stanza. The rhyme scheme is abcb.


1. Stanzas, writers choice on the number, no rhyming, the last word, first word scheme is maintained.

2. One long stanza, no limit on number of lines, no rhyming scheme, the last word, first word scheme is maintained.

3. Couplets mixed with 4 line stanzas, the last word, first word scheme is maintained in the stanzas. It can also be used in the couplets. Rhyme scheme is ab, cc, defg, hh, ii, jklm, nn, oo.


For: Thursday photo prompt – Anomaly #writephoto by Sue Vincent , Photo-Fiction #62, Under the Influence: dVerse Open Link Night #183 by Victoria C. Slotto

Gates of Hell


Welcome to the gates of hell, my city where I spend 3 to 4 hours of traffic gridlock with the rest of thousands of commuters, in the heat of around 34 degrees. The few elevated train lines that ply major routes in Metro Manila become packed like sardines, especially during morning and afternoon rush hours. Manila, where the stench of Pasig River, the rubbish on the streets, the thickest smog and the slum areas tells us teeming poverty is thriving and people go their normal ways. Where I don’t feel safe, as pickpockets roam the city and corruption is widespread. Where my home could be broken and things stolen. Manila, where I keep coming back.

Manila, my home
Poverty, traffic like hell
But life goes on

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: Haibun Monday # 23 – contemporary cityscape by Björn Rudberg (brudberg)

Happy International Day of the Girl!

It is more than just girl power
It’s to make our future brighter
Global efforts and awareness
Education and freedom, that’s what we’re after

We can be whatever we want
To mother, sister, daughter, aunt
Ability to change the world
We can thrive coz we’re not simple tableau vivant

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: Poetic Tuesdays – A Cause For Celebration by Walter J. Wojtanik in Poetics

Razzle-Dazzle Me!


razzle-dazzle me, full of fun
energy – tons
such a delight
everything’s bright

indeed, life’s full of razzmatazz
all that is jazz
with pizzazz, too
and zest for shoes

come one, come all and join us here
got wine and beer
dancing all night
oh what a sight!*

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

* The Minute Poem is rhyming verse form consisting of 12 lines of 60 syllables written in strict iambic meter. The poem is formatted into 3 stanzas of 8,4,4,4; 8,4,4,4; 8,4,4,4 syllables. The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabb, ccdd, eeff

For: Razzle Dazzle Me! by Lillian in Poetics

Take Me Along!

I left the Philippines many moons ago
And since then I’ve been venturing out
New frontiers, new challenges
Switzerland – where I saw the first snow
Where I was able to get a job at the United Nations
Where my heart was broken for the first time
Germany – where I met Him Indoors in the lab
Action, reaction, chemistry in motion
First time to camp in a one-man tent
America – ah Hollywood and Rodeo Drive
Met some celebrities, can you believe that?
Went to work on my bike, loved it
Him Indoors came for a visit
We went to see the Grand Canyon, brilliant!
Asked me to marry him and I said yes
Great Britain – got married there
Worked at Boots the Chemist
In their Research, doing Statistics
And back to Germany – had HRH the son
Our pride and joy and we’re still here
26 years later and settling down well

For: Take Me Along! by lillian in Poetics, Open Link #180 by Björn Rudberg (brudberg)