At The End Of The Rainbow

(5) Words: | TEST | POTION | MUSE | OWN | SIGN |


The Eco/The Echo – Word count (3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 6 – 3) A four stanza poem

Muse is here
Giving us a positive sign
Of love and faith
A potion needed for all troubles
Testing mankind if we can handle
Our own destiny

Test of time
Sign of friendship and courage
Muse is always there
Giving support to those who asked
Helping us to choose our priorities
Potion of hope

Is it a remedy?
For all the heartache and tribulation?
When there’s nothing else?
When we thought it’s the end?
And no one notice our sorrow?
Let’s not despair

Don’t lose hope
It’s always there at the side
Let’s seek and find
Gold at the end of rainbow
Light at the end of tunnel
Go grub it

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: Weekly Writing Prompt #30 by the secret keeper

Help – Monchielle

The Monchielle is a poem that consists of four five-line stanzas where the first line repeats in each verse. Each line within the stanzas consist of six syllables, and lines three and five rhyme. The rhyme pattern is Abcdc Aefgf Ahiji Aklml.

The Monchielle form was created by Jim T. Henriksen.


Help! Everyone needs help
All we need is to ask
Somehow, someone will come
We tell them what was wrong
Or we can call our Mum

Help! Everyone needs help
Old man crossing the road
One asks for direction
A baby needs her feed
Cat on the tree, don’t run

Help! Everyone needs help
Like a drowning puppy
Poor dog, got to save him
Making his owner glad
It’s good that you can swim

Help! Everyone needs help
If we don’t act, who will?
It’s a pay forward thing
One can follow our lead
Think of the joy it brings

(c) ladyleemanila 2016

For: Help

Times Past: Grainy Memories

We all have them. Our childhood memories – the innocence of youth. The time when we just played or messed around, when we had to go to school or play in the street. When we were free of responsibilities and worries. We remembered our games, our playground, our playmates, the laughter, falling out with some of them but being friends again after 10 minutes and most of all, the fun.

And then they were gone. We were playing hide and seek and I was “it”. I closed my eyes, counted up to a hundred, opened my eyes and said: “here I come, ready or not.” I searched for them high and low, wondering where they could be. I first saw Beth, hiding behind the bush, then Venus and Janet chattering away, so I followed their voices. Soon I was able to pinpoint where they were hiding and the next “it” had to look for us. Before long we had to go back to our houses and ate our dinner. Other days, we’d play patintero (try to cross my line without letting me touch or catch you), tumbang preso (hit the can), piko (hopscotch) or luksong-tinik (lit. jump over the thorns of a plant). Sometimes we’d rent some bikes and circled around our neighbourhood.

One, two, three, you’re “it”
The innocence of childhood
Youthful memories

Easter Breaks. The only time of the year when all of us cousins stayed in our Granddad’s house. The number of times we walked back and forth the house and the chapel for singing the passion plays. The afternoons we spent splashing in that creek while Granddad washed the carabao, the still warm fresh milk that morning and the mangoes we’ve picked on the way to the farm. We all slept on the floor, some snoring, some talking, and telling each other’s stories, jokes and secrets.

Dad and Tito (uncle) Pabling. They were more than brothers. They’d spent hours and hours tinkering with Tito Pabling’s recently acquired old jeepney. Just like good mechanics, they’d come home with all those black smuts from the engine. Sometimes, they’d spent their afternoons unblocking the canal in our street. They were the best hosts, too – the New Year’s Day party was always a blast – all our relatives, friends, neighbours and everyone on Halcon Street would’ve confirmed that – we had to close the street for our party!

Dapitan. Our house in Dapitan was small – for our parents, 4 children, Granny, aunts and cousins. It was constantly full of people and activities. Our cousins from the province stayed with us once they started college. There were 2 bedrooms, one for our parents and one for all of us with 2 bunk beds; the rest slept on the floor. My classmates and I loved hanging out there; doing our homework and projects; lunch and merienda (snacks) were at all times provided. When I needed to concentrate at college, I’d wake up in the middle of the night to revise or just to have some peace and quiet.

One of the earliest memories I had was the time when my sister was born. I was three, my big brother was four and we were waiting in the other room, my father was pacing up and down. Until we heard the midwife (my aunt) said: “it’s a girl!” We all rushed in the room, we saw some blood and the baby crying and my mom was on the floor. My aunt told us to “go away, we’re not ready yet.”

My sister was born
My brother and I waited
Then we heard her cry

Another memory was when our youngest brother was born, I was ten by this time and when we saw him, I thought he was the most gorgeous baby in the world. He had this massive black hair and his skin was all red, his eyes sparkling like diamonds, probably from crying. We knew we’ve got to spoil this kid.

Gorgeous baby
Eyes sparkling like diamonds
Our youngest brother

I don’t know why, but somehow when someone was born, it stuck in my mind. When my son was born, I was 32. He came too early, premature at only 33 weeks of my pregnancy. I had a caesarean operation and the surgeon was telling me what they were doing as they operated on me. It wasn’t painful, I felt it when they pulled him out, I heard his cry and they showed him to me. Since he was a premature baby, they had to put him in an incubator. I fell asleep afterwards.

Our pride and joy
Born too soon but we didn’t mind
Our one and only

Other memories came and went, each one merging to another, but each one very memorable, like when I first left the country and how excited and sad I was at the same time; the first time to see snow, I was jumping up and down and we threw snowballs to each other; my first salary when I bought some ice-cream for the family; when Him Indoors and I got married in a 14th century building and that was the only sunny Saturday in June; when HRH the son first learned how to walk, how to ride a bicycle, his first day of school, his first date and when he graduated from university and we were proud parents. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. I love my life and the memories it gave or still giving me. And for the record, I’m one of the Baby Boomers, born in the Philippines but have lived in different countries, now in Bavaria, Germany. Cheers everyone!


For: Times Past: Grainy memories by Irene Waters 19 Writer Memoirist (sorry, but the memories were not about beaches, but some snippets of my life)

A Red Phantom Bus


In the middle of the night
On a full moon, wolves howling
It always gives me a fright
A strange noise beeping

Water dripping, smoke in the air
I count to three and there it is
So eerily quiet in the square
It makes the snake hiss

A red phantom bus
Driving on a crooked road
Definitely red even in blackness
A double decker one with code

Leading to some sort of light
Some pebbles on the street
Oh what a sight
Some more seat

In God’s name, is it real?
Words fail to come
I have to mull
I need a rum

Where will it go? I have to find out
I put my thumb up, it stops
I’m in the red phantom bus
But to where?

(c) ladyleemanila 2016


For: Sunday Photo Fiction – March 27th 2016 and Wordle 244 Mar 27 by Brenda Warren

spf banner

Ten Things of Thankful 145 (On Cheerfulness) #10Thankful

Happy Easter everyone!!! Hope everyone is having a great time and that the Easter Bunny has been to your house. Here in Bavaria is a lovely morning. Him Indoors is fixing our bikes so we can cycle somewhere later, perhaps have our first Maß (1 liter of beer). Anyway, here are my ten things of thankful:


Now that it’s nearly over and that my brother is finally getting home on Thursday, I’m telling you his story. My brother is a Chief Engineer on his ship. Unluckily, their ship has got bankrupt since December 2015. They were stranded in a remote island in China. The crew didn’t know what to do, they asked to be paid, or if not, asked to be sent back to the Philippines (well, 21 of them, including my brother). The Philippine Government who’s supposed to help them, didn’t do anything. Or because of bureaucracy and passing responsibilities from one department to the next, no help was given to them. Their families back in the Philippines were also affected, the wives tried to hire some lawyers so they could help them, still nothing. It was getting into desperation and frustration mode, the crew are losing their sanity, they are getting on each other’s nerves instead. What a tragic experience. Imagine, no salaries, no food and no help in the middle of nowhere, like animals being trapped in their cage. Meanwhile the families in the Philippines are also suffering, but they still sent the crew some money for their survival. Still no exit visa given to them. Last Friday, they tried to go on a ferry boat to reach the nearest Philippine Embassy, but the immigration police caught them, put them in detention for three hours, like criminals. 21 of them in one small room. Then they were returned to their ship. For some reason or luck, somehow, they managed to pay for exit visa and plane tickets and they’re off to Shanghai on Tuesday. I’m very grateful for this. Hope they reach their destination safely and no hassle on the way. I’m not that religious but I’m kneeling down and praying. Praise the Lord!


I’m thankful that my niece (my brother’s daughter, see the first story, so this is one of the blessings) is finishing her primary years on Tuesday and she’s Salutatorian in her class. Congrats my pretty niece! Other niece is also graduating from college next month, as well as another niece and nephew from primary years, too. Good luck on your next step and your future!


It was my aunt’s birthday yesterday and they celebrated it with style. My Mother went to her and they celebrated it together with the son and family and other friends. They had dinner and watched Les Miserable. I’m sure my aunt enjoyed her day.


HRH the son and his beautiful K are still in love and the wedding plans are still going and we’re all looking forward to it. Tickets from Canada, Germany and the Philippines were bought, hotels have been booked and the venue has been sorted out. Last weekend they had food tasting in the hotel and they said they were brilliant! Not long now…


I’m thankful that spring has finally arrived here in Bavaria, new buds appearing, the grass turning green, narcissus, crocuses and snowdrops are popping up. Yay for spring!


I had a restful week last week and another week off this coming week for our Easter break. I promise to go to the gym more, eat healthily, walk or cycle more, etc.


Have a Blessed Easter everyone!

For: Ten Things of Thankful 145 (On Cheerfulness) #10Thankful . Also for: Thank God, It’s Monday! -28 March 2016 by Pia Jingco
